About StakeUp

What is StakeUp?

StakeUp is a cryptocurrency based on the Binance Block Chain. You might be asking, what could that possibly even mean? Essentially, it means that this currency, StakeUp, lives in the cloud for everybody to see and use.

The Website

The stakeup.dev website, or this website, allows a user to easily link in to the blockchain, in this case the BNB and StakeUp currencies. This website is like a sling shot, launching you into the crypto space.

The Project

You may be asking what we here at StakeUp are trying to do. The answer to that is to educate and bring more people into the crypto space by using this one simple product. The project is geared towards families and individuals just getting started in the crypto space.

Even you can join our mission by creating an account.

Click Here to start your crypto journey.